Today I wanted to do something more fun since I’m deep in the trenches of Camp Nanowrimo. There’s a game going around Booktube called ‘rip it or ship it’, in which a vlogger will pick two random book characters from a hat and decide if they will ship those characters or ‘rip’ them apart. I decided to play this game myself and publish the results as my Monday blog post. Enjoy!
Round 1
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) & Tally Youngblood (Uglies)
Verdict: rip it
Two of my fave ladies! Unfortunately, I don't think Annabeth would have any time for Tally's B.S. This ship is not setting sail today.
Round 2
Jacob (Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children) & Deryn Sharp (Leviathan)
Verdict: ship it
These two adventurers would make a cute couple. Jacob likes the strong-willed girls evidently, and I can only imagine the colorful yet loving insults Deryn would have for Jacob.
Round 3
Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass) & Leo Valdez (Percy Jackson)
Verdict: rip it!
This is so ludicrous I cackled when I picked these two together. Can you imagine? They’d set the whole world on fire. None of us would be safe.
Round 4
Rowan & Chaol Westfall (both from Throne of Glass)
Verdict: rip it lmaooo
Okay, picturing this made me laugh out loud. These two would never work together. I don’t even think they get along in the books. This would be some plot twist in the final Throne of Glass installment though LOL.
Round 5
Simon Lewis (The Mortal Instruments) & Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Verdict: kind of ship it
I’ll admit, my only knowledge of Simon’s character is based off reading only one of the books in his series and watching the TV show Shadowhunters, but I feel like this could strangely work. They are both just so sweet, and if Simon could get over feeling weird around Luna I think they could really work together.
Round 6
Fang (Maximum Ride) & Emma (Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children)
Verdict: ship it
These two would be all over each other. I ship the hell out of this.
Round 7
Dorothy (Dorothy Must Die) & Arobynn Hamel (Throne of Glass)
Verdict: SHIP IT
This is perhaps one of the best ships in this list. I ship this HARD. Like, someone get a fanfic writer up in here.
Round 8
Izzy Lightwood & Clary Fray (both from The Mortal Instruments)
Verdict: ship it

After reading City of Bones I legitimately thought of this ship. Clary and Izzy are the bomb and all the guys are kind of annoying, so honestly can they just get together and forget the dumb boys?
Round 9
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games) & Four (Divergent)
Verdict: ship it
I weirdly ship this. They are both tough on the outside and sweet on the inside. Peeta could get Four in touch with his feelings. Could be nice.
Round 10
Hamlet (Hamlet) & Shay (Uglies)
Verdict: ship it oh god ship it
This is perfect. These two deserve each other. So much angst, maybe they could figure it out together.
Round 11
Gale (The Hunger Games) & Bella Swan (Twilight)
Verdict: ship it
Bella’s got her manly man and Gale has his submissive girl. A match made in heaven.
Round 12
Maximum Ride (Maximum Ride) & Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Verdict: ship it
The power couple. Do NOT get in a fight with them. They will kill you.
Round 13
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson) & Amy Gumm (Dorothy Must Die)
Verdict: ship it
Another strange ship. It’s hard to think of Percy with anyone but Annabeth, but I could see him falling for a girl like Amy. Can you imagine the wisecracks?
Round 14
Frank Zhang (Percy Jackson) & Tris Prior (Divergent)
Verdict: ship it
Listen, if Frank likes Tris, I’ll ship him and Tris. He is a cinnamon roll that deserves whatever he wants in this world.
Round 15
Alaska Young (Looking for Alaska) & Tibby (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
Verdict: a dangerous ship
This is…a lot. They have so much in common. I won’t say more but…dear lord I’m having a crisis…
Round 16
Rosencrantz (Hamlet) & Scorpius Malfoy (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)
Verdict: ship it LOL
This is hilarious to think about. I think of Rosencrantz mostly in terms of the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, in which he is a little bit more dopey and kind. I can picture these two being the sweet, misunderstood couple that no one else seems to understand.
Round 17
Romeo Montague (Romeo and Juliet) & Violet Baudelaire (Series of Unfortunate Events)
Verdict: rip it
Such a weird ship. Violet deserves better. She’s way too smart to fall for a bro like Romeo. 0/10 would not ship.
Round 18
Prince Kai (The Lunar Chronicles) & Jason Grace (Percy Jackson)
Verdict: ship that plz
The most beautiful couple to grace your brain.
Round 19
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) & Jacob Black (Twilight)
Verdict: rip it
Okay, I get it, they’re both shapeshifters. But I think they would just end up killing each other. Alex would definitely be a step up from Renesmee though.
Round 20
Ponyboy (The Outsiders) & Dorian Havilliard (Throne of Glass)
Verdict: ship
These two can go and talk about books and poems all day and just be their cinnamon roll selves. Sure, their worlds are wildly different, but if they existed in the same universe I could totally see this happening. Dorian deserves a nice boy like Ponyboy while Celaena & Leo Valdez are scorching the earth.
My poor shipper’s heart can’t take much more of this. But it was fun to play. Hope you enjoyed it!
Peace out,
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