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Everything I Don't Know About Blogging

Writer's picture: Grace KayeGrace Kaye

My first blog post! Amazing! I don’t know when I started to think blogging would be a good use of my time. Perhaps it was when I participated in my second Nanowrimo and was able to finally start calling myself a writer. Of course, I’ve never won Nanowrimo, but let’s ignore that fact.

So here I am with a website and everything. Which leads me to the point of this post: how the frack do you blog? Here’s a list of everything I don’t know about blogging (because lists are so ~in~)

1. I don’t know how to make a website

As you see here, we are currently on my website, so I guess I kind of figured this one out. But man was it hard at first. There’s so many platforms! So many themes! So many colors! Building a website is scary, but I started with Wix, and it made it slightly less scary. I’ll probably still be tweaking this site for a while, but I wanted to get it up and running because the most important thing is the writing. Which leads me to…

2. I don’t know how to write blogs

I feel like blogs have a certain…blogginess…to them. They are personal but also interesting (sometimes). They serve a niche. They aren’t quite like the creative writing I do with characters and plots, but they aren’t quite like the essays and papers I churn out at 3am for class. After hitting up my good friend Google, I decided that the best way to learn how to write blog posts is to get crackin'.

3. I don’t know how to grow an audience

This is the trickiest part, because this isn’t about overcoming something in myself, it’s about hard work and connecting with other people. I need to be both interesting (yikes) and constantly putting myself out there (yikesyikes). I know it takes time, so this aspect of a blog will come later (hopefully – yikesyikesyikes). For now, I am going to work on reaching my family and friends. Almost no one knows how much I love to write and that I want to venture into blogging and creative writing. So that’s where I’ll start.

So, basically, I don’t know anything about blogging. But it’s okay, because I’m not here to say “Hey! I’m a writer! I’m really good and you should read my stuff!” I’m here to say “So I’m a writer and I’m god-awful but, hey, I’m going to do it anyways and I’d appreciate some support.” Which is basically what my “About me” page says. You should check it out. It’s charmingly self-deprecating. And I drew my picture, so there's that.

If you read this I’m 1. sorry but also 2. grateful that you took the time. If you have any advice or encouragement for me please comment below!

Peace out,


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