CAMP NANO STARTS IN 2 DAYS Y’ALL. With Camp NaNoWriMo just around the corner, I’m low-key freaking out and definitely underprepared. I’m also excited to get back to fast-drafting my novel. It’s a rollercoaster of emotion.
I’ve participated in 2 NaNoWriMos and 2 Camp NaNoWriMos so far, and this April I’m excited to jump back in. I feel like a pro by now, except I also feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. If you’ve been through a few NaNoWriMos like I have, you may relate to this list of every thought you have during Nano. If this is your first ride, well...buckle up buddy.
Every Thought You Have During NaNoWriMo:
WOO so excited! Let’s set my word goal at 50,000. Any less is for punks, right?
I’m going to get a head start. Totally going to crush my goal this month.
Ok, so I didn’t get a great headstart, but I spent a lot of time making a bangin’ cover for this book. So there's that.
Day one. I’m on a roll. Piece of cake. Totally conquered my daily goal.
Look I’m even writing out this whole synopsis and summary thing! Probably should have done this before Nano, but, hey, what can I say? I make procrastination into an art.
Day two. Still killing the game. My outline is so helpful.
Day three. I can divert from this outline a little. It's for a good scene anyway. This will be great. And word count.
Day four. I need like 100 more words to reach my goal today so...I guess my characters are going out for a wild night.
Wish I was out for a wild night.
I wonder if my friends saw through my excuse not to go out tonight. I couldn’t just tell them I was writing ...they wouldn’t get it.
TBH I barely get it.
I have my characters this is all I need.
Day five. I’m doing great. I can totally take a break and go easy on myself.
Day six. I shouldn’t have taken a break yesterday.
Day seven. It’s only been a week?!
Day eight. Today is my catchup day.
Day nine. Ok, TODAY is my catchup day.
Day ten. Remember that outline? I sure don’t.
Day eleven. Maybe I should just kill this dude. Sure, he’s my main character, but I also kind of hate him right now.
This story sucks.
Why did I do this.
Day twelve. A much needed break. Even though I’m under goal. Just one day won’t hurt anything.
Day thirteen. One day hurt everything.
Day fourteen. Maybe I should be reading these emails from Nano? I don’t know, some of the pep talks seem fun. Let me read every single one.
Well would you look at that, I only wrote 200 words today.
Day fifteen. I have become one with the coffee.
Day sixteen. I’m totally catching up!
Look at this, double my word count!!! Dreams do come true.
Still under goal though.
Day seventeen. Shit.
I did the thing.
The thing you’re never supposed to do.
I re-read what I’ve been writing.
It’s awful. Why did I do this. Who do I think I am
Day eighteen. A solid day.
Is it normal for your eye to twitch? When you've had six coffees in two hours I mean.
Day nineteen. You’re a queen. Self-care. You got this. More than halfway through.
Day twenty one. Friends? Social life? I forgot about all that.
At least my characters will always be there for me.
Except Valerie, she's dying in two chapters.
Day twenty two. The end is so close I’m FREAKED
Day twenty three. I’m never do this again. This is hell.
Hello mom, yes, my mental state? Not great.
I'm not well.
Why, you ask? Just a personal goal I set for myself that I have no reason to actually to continue to reach except for the fact that I'm crazy.
Day twenty four. This is honestly self torture.
The only reason I’m still doing this is because I can’t just leave my characters hanging like this.
It would honestly just be rude.
Day twenty five. I just need words. They can be about anything. I just need words.
Day twenty six. Here’s this writing prompt that doesn’t even fit the time period or genre of my story.
I. Just. Need. Words.
Day twenty seven. I’m a failure I’m never going to make it.
Day twenty eight. Wait, yes, I'm totally going to make it.
Maybe not.
How much do I hate myself?
Day twenty nine. Writing all day all night gotta make it to that goooooal
Day thirty. The last day!!!!!!!!!!! Am I happy??? Am I sad??? I don’t know!! Just keep writing before midni—
Oh thank god.
It’s over.
That was a lot.
I get my life back? Kind of.
Still got to edit this shit.
Whether I reached my goal or not, I just wrote a whole book in one month.
When can I sign up for the next Nano?
So there you have it. Relate to that? No? Oh well, there’s just a peek into my head as a girl who turns full on psychotic during Nano.
Good luck and happy writing!
